Thursday, September 14, 2023

This Blog is My Outlet

I would like to be blatantly honest with what I post online...

Sadly, however, I'm not very comfortable in my own skin. I'm very sensitive and I need to be emotionally prepared when somebody gives me either positive or negative feedback.

That's why I've set up a completely separate online account... a completely separate persona beneath a motorcycle helmet - Kai, The Lady Rider. 

I've always wanted to create a blog about my good and bad moments just so I could document them and come back to them after some time to see how much I've grown and what I had to go through. Actually, I already started this kind of thing when I was thirteen years old. I had a diary. It's still with me up to now but I don't write on it too often these days. It's more of a treasure now.

Perhaps I could help other people out, as well. I don't know. I just wanna do it. That's why I'm staying anonymous. Well, not fully anonymous, though. I post a lot of pictures in Google, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Surely, someone will recognize me someday. For now, I'd just like to get off my usual circle, explore the digital world, and be fully open about my thoughts, opinions and experiences.

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This Blog is My Outlet

I would like to be blatantly honest with what I post online... Sadly, however, I'm not very comfortable in my own skin. I'm very sen...